
Sunday, August 31, 2014

ST - Seattle’s special-ed mess: Who’s in charge of what?

John it's not a communications issue, it's that they don't have the skills set. The teachers are NOT qualified to work with SLD students. Thats 2900 of the 6996 students on IEPs.

Here is an example of very clear communications

From Barbello, Julie A
Aug 22


I've finally been able to talk to someone in the SpEd department about
this request. Unfortunately, no records could be located. There are no records
related to programs or services specific to dyslexia, dysgraphia, or dyscalculia.
Additionally, there is no data regarding the effectiveness of services or programs offered for these

I'm sorry I can't help more, but I hope you have a great weekend nonetheless!

Who would give these clowns a dime when they admit they cant do it.!

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